Body Loyalty

Caring for others

What would you give up in order to feel loved? In order to be able to deeply receive love and truly belong? What would you give? Would you give up your status? If you knew that doing so would make you feel love, would you give up your beliefs about what makes a person important?…… Continue reading Caring for others

Care Builds Trust

Some of the most sacred times I’ve had as a mother have been at the hospital bedside of my son. During the long nights after surgeries and procedures he would experience so much fear and pain, but he could get through all of it as long as I was on a cot next to him,…… Continue reading Care Builds Trust


In video games food seems so simple. PacMan eats the fruit to gain powers. Mario eats a mushroom to grow. You eat a piece of meat or a candy bar and your health restores. In the real world food is smothered with shame and moralizing and control. For generations our dominate culture has taught us…… Continue reading Nourishment

Reclaiming Movement

As part of my trauma therapy I did a big personal narrative project where I went back over all my journals and wrote my life story through my adult eyes. It was one of the best things I ever did for myself and I gained so many insights. One that particularly struck me is how…… Continue reading Reclaiming Movement

Nothing is Just One Thing

When you dig down through all the hype and the noise about diet and exercise to what science has proven to be true and effective management for all human bodies, you will find nothing there. There is nothing in existence that will work for each of us in all our diverse needs. Our bodies just…… Continue reading Nothing is Just One Thing


Journaling. In some rooms I’ve been in, that word would instantly get hackles raised. It’s one of those things like yoga and mindfulness that get recommended to people all the time as if they are a magic cure. I practice each one of those strategies, I know they’re great, but so often they are offered…… Continue reading Reflection

Validation over Minimization

During my many, many, many years of infertility treatments, I was surrounded by loving, well meaning friends and family who wanted nothing more than to soothe my pain. And so, repeating the same cultural scripts we all hear around us, they’d often say things like, “everything will work out” or “you’ll get pregnant as soon…… Continue reading Validation over Minimization

Conduct Experiments

Wouldn’t it be beautiful if there was always a right answer when it comes to caring for our bodies? It would certainly be convenient if there was one right choice to make that would guarantee us health and vitality, but it just doesn’t exist – no matter how certain the sales person is – and…… Continue reading Conduct Experiments

Becoming Aware

When Atticus was small he would regularly be playing happily with his toys when seemingly out of nowhere he would begin screaming and crying, reacting as if he was in mind-splitting pain but with no obvious source. It would be many years before one of his teachers suggested autism. Usually people blamed everything on his…… Continue reading Becoming Aware

Start Sarcastic

As I wandered through my attempts at healing, there were so many times when I had to ask myself, “Am I just paying to be gaslit?” In group classes or group therapies, at motivational speeches, at exercise classes or in inspirational tiktoks, even at church, so often the advice is just, “Tell yourself you don’t…… Continue reading Start Sarcastic