Body Loyalty

What makes self care so hard?

A while back my former business partner and current friend Meredith and I started a company called HavenTree that sold self care subscription boxes. It was the heyday of subscription boxes and we thought it might be a funding model for the other creative projects we had planned. People were universally intrigued and supportive, until…… Continue reading What makes self care so hard?

New values to fight for us all

I tried everything. Isn’t that how every testimonial starts? “I tried everything until I found this one solution that I just happen to be selling to you now for the low price of…” But you cannot buy self love. You can buy pleasure. Or luxury. You can buy access to medical care. You can buy…… Continue reading New values to fight for us all

New Values for a New Relationship

The values I was raised with got me here: so ashamed of my body that the thought of someone seeing it filled me with actual terror. Convinced that my body did not deserve rest, or food, or kindness; that it was base and crass and needed to be overcome. Desperately trying to master its needs…… Continue reading New Values for a New Relationship

My body is a horse named Beloved

How to Triumph Like a Girlby ADA LIMÓN I like the lady horses best,how they make it all look easy,like running 40 miles per houris as fun as taking a nap, or grass.I like their lady horse swagger,after winning. Ears up, girls, ears up!But mainly, let’s be honest, I likethat they’re ladies. As if this bigdangerous…… Continue reading My body is a horse named Beloved

You are a human.

You are a human. That doesn’t seem like it should be controversial, does it? Is anyone out here disputing that we’re something else? I don’t hear that argument, but I certainly see it. Every time a workplace doesn’t account for the ways we need rest, bathroom breaks, meals, leisure, it is sending a message that…… Continue reading You are a human.

Sensual doesn’t mean sex.

I was raised thinking that sensual was a synonym for sexual. I’d hear ‘sensual’ connected to things like roses and chocolates and silk sheets and think that sensual referred to foreplay. I don’t think I ever even heard the word unless it was pronounced in a way that dripped with meaning I couldn’t quite decipher…… Continue reading Sensual doesn’t mean sex.

How to fall in love with yourself

I remember the exact moment I fell in love with my husband. He was hunched over a teeny saucepan in my shitty college kitchen I shared with five other girls. I was laying on the couch with my high heels propped up, still in my church dress. We had been at church when I felt…… Continue reading How to fall in love with yourself

Dynamic Habits

I have struggled with medical issues my entire life, but until I had my son Atticus I never would have dreamed of calling myself disabled. There’s a reason for that. We are all fed so much bigotry and fear and ableism about what it’s like to be disabled and who that label applies to. We…… Continue reading Dynamic Habits

Go Slow and Build Things

I had intended on posting a whole bunch of New Years posts about goal setting, and then…Omicron. It found my house despite all our most careful efforts, but the good news is that none of the medically fragile people caught it! So far everyone seems to be OK. But it definitely meant all my plans…… Continue reading Go Slow and Build Things

What are those traditions for anyway?

There’s a meme I’ve seen floating around the internet a bunch that says “Tradition is just peer pressure from dead people.”Around the holidays, tradition is peer pressure from the living too, as any deviation from “the way things are done” can be responded to as if you are out there desecrating graves.I left behind a…… Continue reading What are those traditions for anyway?

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