Body Loyalty

Body Loyal Holidays

Most of us developed our beliefs about our body at the table of our family home, so when you are challenging some of those inherited beliefs, going back home can be challenging in return. Holidays are times full of joy and festivity and belonging, and they can also be times full of food and body…… Continue reading Body Loyal Holidays

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How to Make Friends With Your Body

I wish I could say that I was one of those people who had some joyous reunification with their body based in love and enlightenment and sunshine and lots of plants. But no. This lesson, like all my lessons, came the hard way. With blood and guts and tears and screaming. With resisting what was good for…… Continue reading How to Make Friends With Your Body

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Who is a Body For?

When I was desperately ill and disillusioned with life, casting about wildly for an answer to justify my continued fight for recovery, the first question I asked to create my new foundation was: What is the body for?As I tried to look objectively at the facts available – the lungs are for breathing, the heart is for…… Continue reading Who is a Body For?

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What is a Body For?

When I got sick I fell into an existential crisis. After years of chronic illness and infertility I felt like my body had betrayed me yet again. Every day of pain was a failure of my body. Every month without a pregnancy, another failure. I was already on the worst of terms with my body,…… Continue reading What is a Body For?

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Body Loyalty is a Radical Movement

When fear mongering media people spit out the word radical, it sounds like a threat. But radical politics just means a political view that advocates for change to the system in order to When fear mongering media people spit out the word radical, it sounds like a threat. But radical politics just means a political view that…… Continue reading Body Loyalty is a Radical Movement

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My Journey to Body Loyalty

I’m not exaggerating when I tell you that saving my life depended on finding a way to stop hating my body. I had just had yet another surgery to treat a chronic illness, but this time I couldn’t recover. Infection, then another hernia requiring another surgery, then another infection. I spent years in the kind…… Continue reading My Journey to Body Loyalty

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A New Approach to Your Body

For most of my life when I heard messages of self love and body positivity, my reaction was sarcastic. Rude hand gestures and snarky voices and eye rolls.Some part of me recognized the truth in there, but I did not believe it pertained to me. My life experience has been more cops and hospitals than…… Continue reading A New Approach to Your Body

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Welcome to Body Loyalty

Welcome to This is the work of me – Tresa Edmunds: writer, activist, performer, rabble-rouser – but also, the work of community.Here we will discuss how to nurture a relationship with your body based in acceptance and care and reflective of the holistic contributions made to that relationship. Bodies are for so much more…… Continue reading Welcome to Body Loyalty

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