Body Loyalty

Caring for others

What would you give up in order to feel loved? In order to be able to deeply receive love and truly belong? What would you give? Would you give up your status? If you knew that doing so would make you feel love, would you give up your beliefs about what makes a person important?…… Continue reading Caring for others

Care Builds Trust

Some of the most sacred times I’ve had as a mother have been at the hospital bedside of my son. During the long nights after surgeries and procedures he would experience so much fear and pain, but he could get through all of it as long as I was on a cot next to him,…… Continue reading Care Builds Trust

Security comes from community

When I was a traumatized teenager I thought the only way to be safe in the world was to close off all emotions and fight off attachments. Never let anyone in, take care of myself, hypervigilant hyper independence. If you never need anyone, they never have a chance to let you down. This strategy prevented…… Continue reading Security comes from community

How to fall in love with yourself

I remember the exact moment I fell in love with my husband. He was hunched over a teeny saucepan in my shitty college kitchen I shared with five other girls. I was laying on the couch with my high heels propped up, still in my church dress. We had been at church when I felt…… Continue reading How to fall in love with yourself