Body Loyalty

Breath is Life

When I started singing classes, the first thing I had to learn was how to breathe. I always thought singing classes were scales and sight reading, but not with my friend Emily. With Emily it was learning how your instrument worked. We spent most of our time experimenting to get me aware of my body…… Continue reading Breath is Life

Your Right to Rest

You know, in all my years of being a patient full time, the only doctor who ever asked about my sleep was a psychologist during treatment for depression. I would ask my physicians, but the best they could suggest was a melatonin gummy and less screen time. They would never bring it up. Ever. Meanwhile,…… Continue reading Your Right to Rest

Take Your Body’s Side

Living with chronic disabilities means that your body often feels like your greatest enemy. Living with neuro disabilities or mental health conditions means that you can’t always trust your body signals to be accurate. So for decades, whenever I would hear messages about loving your body or trusting your body, my reaction would be: “Why…… Continue reading Take Your Body’s Side

Seeking Quiet in a Noisy World

I have a physical panic response to every notification I get. Too many years of being an opinionated woman on the internet has taught my nervous system that a little ping means I’m about to be attacked. I turn off notifications where I can, I never answer my phone, but I still have to exist…… Continue reading Seeking Quiet in a Noisy World

Quiet is the starting place.

Body Loyalty came to me in the midst of grueling surgical recovery, so it’s no surprise that the place I started was with Quiet. I didn’t have much of a choice. I was trapped in bed for years, isolated and bored, and with no where near enough distractions to keep me ignoring my circumstances. Somewhere…… Continue reading Quiet is the starting place.

Categorized as Marrow, quiet